Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Increase Cellular Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells.

Low Oxygen Levels Breed Cancer, but increasing Cellular Oxygen Levels Kills Cancerous Cells. In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that "the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements."

"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes."

Poor oxygenation comes from a buildup of carcinogens and other toxins within and around cells, which blocks and then damages the cellular oxygen respiration mechanism. Clumping up of red blood cells slows down the bloodstream, and restricts flow into capillaries. This also causes poor oxygenation. Even lack of the proper building blocks for cell walls, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, restricts oxygen exchange.

This is why the flax oil in cottage cheese treatment popular in Europe has become a well known cancer treatment. It provides Omega 3 essential fatty acids needed by cell walls so that oxygen can enter the cells. Well actually it is popular because it works quite well. It is great for diabetes and heart or cardiovascular disease also.

To vigorously fight cancer with this approach, use a lot of flax oil or ground up flax seeds mixed in as much cottage cheese (organic preferably) as you need to get it down. Use up to 8 tablespoons of flax oil daily, or 16 tablespoons (1 cup) of ground up flax seeds daily with cottage cheese to enhance absorption. Make sure the flax oil or flax meal if you buy it, has been refrigerated at the store, and keep it refrigerated at home. If you grind up flax seeds, use them immediately or store the extra in the refrigerator or freezer. A coffee grinder or blender works for this. Flax oil goes rancid very easily. And stay away from vegetable oils as they hinder its effects.

Buy This >> Oxy E : Produce extra hydrogen to increase pH levels

creates oxygen in your cells. Plus it acts as a free radical scavenger, and produces extra hydrogen to increase pH levels and combat free radicals.

This one ounce bottle of liquid contains an acid based formulation of sea water minerals, dissolved oxygen, plant based amino acids and plant based enzymes. It interacts with deuterium, a trace mineral naturally found in water. And ends up creating hydrogen and oxygen as it splits the chemical bonds in water molecules.


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Dr. Ralph Heinicke pioneered the study of the alkaloid Xeronine. Xeronine is produce in the body from the building blocks Proxeronine and Proxeronase. These building blocks are abundant in the juice of the Morinda citrifolia fruit.
Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid that is physiologically active in the picogram range. (Editorial note: a picogram is one trillionth of a gram.) It occurs in practically all healthy cells of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, the amount of free alkaloid is minute, and is well below the limits of normal chemical analytical techniques.