Friday, February 27, 2009

More Calcium Helps You Battle Cancer

Here’s another reason why you should make sure you get your daily dose of calcium: It may lower your risk of getting cancer.

This new study from the National Institutes of Health and AARP, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, says that both women and men can lessen their chances of suffering from colorectal cancer and other digestive system cancers by giving themselves regular calcium boosts by increasing dairy intake, increasing intake of other high-calcium foods or with supplements.

Just another reason to grab that yogurt, rather than the potato chips!

p.s - GT&F is a new formulated milk with high Calcium plus chromium. Combination lactoferrin and chromium was producing chromferrin which is enable our body to stimulate enough Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) and avoiding us from metabolic syndrome deseases

Monday, February 23, 2009

Calcium may cut colorectal cancer risk

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Calcium is vital for bone health, and may be important for reducing colorectal cancer risk, too, according to a U.S. study published on Monday.

Researchers at the U.S. National Cancer Institute tracked 293,907 men and 198,903 women and found that those with the highest calcium intake from dairy and other foods and from calcium supplements had the lowest colorectal cancer rates.

Yikyung Park of the NCI, part of the National Institutes of Health, said women in the highest fifth of calcium consumption had a 28 percent lower risk for colorectal cancer compared to those with the lowest fifth of calcium intake.

For men, those in the highest fifth had a 21 percent lower risk for colorectal cancer than those with the lower intake.

The researchers followed the people, who were between 50 and 71 years old, for seven years. The people in the study reported extensively on what they ate and what dietary supplements they took.

"For colorectal cancer, both calcium from diet and from supplements reduced the risk of colorectal cancer," Park, whose findings appear in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, said in a telephone interview.

Foods with lots of calcium include diary products such as milk and yogurt and leafy green vegetables. Calcium is important in preventing osteoporosis.

The researchers said calcium may reduce abnormal growth in cells in the gastrointestinal tract and may help reduce damage to the mucous membrane in the large intestine.

By Will Dunham

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Listen to Dr Lindsey : How to fight cancer for life?

I believe the natural world, too often, is terribly quick to attack or try to discredit the medical world. I believe that most natural practitioners have not learned the proper way to work with the medical world or the medical practitioner and vice versa.

The natural approach has been the foundation of my work and the driving force behind my amazing results over the past 20 years. This is what I have been trained in. In the natural approach, there are some very fundamental steps to take in order to be a very effective healer, coach or teacher. For example, you must learn everything you can about the patient; their thoughts, likes, dislikes, what makes them happy, sad, their fears, what they want out of life, what motivates them, what de-motivates them, their innermost thoughts about their illness, the fear around their illness and what it would be like to be healthy or whole again. When you understand these aspects of a person, you begin to understand how to really communicate with them and how to coach them. Next, you must develop a battle plan; which includes roles for all participants, especially the one with the illness. This battle plan may include what I call my three-pronged approach.

Number One - Strategic use of the medical tools and techniques that are available. Included in this battle plan is the medical aspect. If the person's medical doctor is open, invite them to participate in this plan and use the amazing technological powers of today's modern medical system to glean as much information as possible about the person, the illness and also - if the person so chooses - to use medical treatments.

Number Two - Strategic use of, and proper and aggressive utilization of, the most effective natural and nutritional modalities and techniques. Below, is an example of a natural/medical battle plan that I have seen produce very positive results.

1. Aggressive Detoxification
By removing the toxins and poisons from our cells, tissues, blood and organs, we clear the way for the body to begin to heal and fight the Cancer on its own.

2. Upbuilding the Body
Ellen G. White of the Seventh Day Adventist Church spoke about upbuilding over 100 years ago. Upbuilding the body simply means to build up the levels of nutrition (or nutrients) that our bodies need to sustain a healthy, vibrant and full life. These nutrients, while few, are vital. For example: Protein, Starch, essential Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Fiber, Trace Minerals and other critical micro nutrients.

3. Diet and Supplementation to Help Discourage Tumor Growth
Certain nutrients can discourage or retard tumor growth. My nutrient recommendations include shitake mushroom and ginger extract, (a 5-LO enzyme inhibitor). I also recommend 100% Pure Noni Juice (no fruit juice added, only pure Noni) from the Noni Fruit (example Fed Noni), Maitake mushroom extract and Probiotics.

4. Boosting Anti-Angiogenesis which Blocks Tumor Nourishment

This is of extreme importance. Nutrients that support in boosting anti-angiogenesis include: 100% pure aged Noni juice (no fruit juice added, only pure Noni) from the Noni fruit, shark cartilage, raw garlic, the herb Pao D'arco, Green Tea and Maitake D-fraction extract.

5. Change the Diet and Start your Plan of Attack

The first thing is to stop all sugar. Sugar can feed cancer. I change the diet to a sour or bitter diet and start the battle plan to support the process that prevents cancer cell mutation and development with Colloidal Silver, Powdered Vitamin C, 100% Pure Noni Juice (no fruit juice added, only pure Noni) from the Noni fruit, Vegetarian Enzymes taken on an empty stomach (not with food) the herbs Cat's Claw, raw Garlic, Oregano Oil and other natural aggressive cancer warriors.

6. Strengthen and Rebuild the Immune and Glandular System

I pay special attention to the adrenal and thymus glands. I use an all around, high potency liquid vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplement, concurrently with Vitamin C, Cat's Claw, an essential Fatty Acid Combination, Olive leaf extract, Lactoferrin, SOD (superoxide dismutase), Trace Minerals, Probiotics along with all the other nutrients listed in sections 1 through 5 above.

How Fed Noni Enzyme Can Fight The Cancer?

Main components was found in Noni that can reestablish body cell to fight cancer is Xeronine. It is also call "dry alkaline compound" which is found in found in green fruit. One of them is noni fruit.

Fed Noni is 100% pure natural noni enzyme and based on survey conducted by Dr Neil Solomon to about 886 people where 50 are doctor and the rest are cancer patient respondent, the result show about 65% of them give positive feedback and very effective result. Cancer patient are among prostate, breast, colon cancer and etc. Study or survey was done in 1999.

As a researcher in Hawaii, Dr. Ralph Heinicke became aware of the marvelous benefits of the Noni fruit and set out to find the pharmacologically active ingredient of the Noni. Dr. Heinicke had spent over 45 years studying the effects of an alkaloid he discovered and named xeronine.

Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid which is physiologically very active and important for the proper functioning of all cells in the body. In his research, Dr. Heinicke discovered that the Noni juice contains appreciable amounts of the precursor of xeronine that he named "proxeronine". "Proxeronine" releases pure xeronine in the intestines when it comes in contact with a particular enzyme also found in the Noni Juice.

Dr. Heinicke's theory is that, when released, xeronine actually works at the molecular level to repair damaged cells. Dr. Heinicke states that the primary function of xeronine is to regulate the rigidity and shape of specific proteins. Since these proteins have different functions within the cells, this explains how the administration of Noni Juice causes an unbelievably wide range of physiological responses. "Some of the problems which drinking Noni Juice might favorably affect are: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addiction, relief of pain, and many others. Although this list looks like a page torn out of a traveling medicine man's manual, it is probably conservative." - Dr. Heinicke

When Ralph M. Heinicke received his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota, he wanted to escape from those cold Minnesota winters and so he took a job with Dole Pineapple Company in Hawaii. His first assignment was to develop a method to extract the enzyme that caused pineapple to prevent gelatin deserts from setting up. He found it was an enzyme called bromelain and in due time he and his coworkers found a way to extract it. Soon the Dole Company found that every day they had over a thousand pounds of this crude bromelain enzyme extract left over as a waste product. At the time it had no commercial value, and so the company president asked Dr. Heinicke to see if he could find some use for this material. Eventually he found it was a proteolytic enzyme that had some medical applications. He worked with Smith-Kline and the Rohr pharmaceutical companies to expand its medical use.

In order to get FDA approval for this enzyme he had to refine the crude bromelain extract down to an extremely pure protease enzyme. Much to his and the drug companies amazement, the more pure the enzyme became, the less beneficial it was in many of its applications. Eventually, in its purest state, it had only 5% of its original potency for many of its uses. Dr. Heinicke was then asked to find what it was they were removing that had given the crude bromelain extract all of its power. Meanwhile the giant Japanese drug company Toshiba had also launched a 3 year, 3 million dollar program to find the same answer. At the end of that time they had used up all their money and not found the answer. Not one to give up easily, Dr. Heinicke continued his research and eventually found to his great surprise that the active ingredient was not a protein, carbohydrate or fat, but a substance known as an alkaloid.

Alkaloids are one of the most important classes of phytochemicals known, and are a major source from which many modern medicines are drawn from Nature. By isolating this alkaloid into a pure state, he was able to identify is exact chemical structure. Because it could be reduced to a dry crystalline structure he decided to use the latin prefix "Xero" meaning "dry" as the first part of its name. Since it was also an alkaline compound he tacked on the suffix "ine" indicating its alkaline nature. When the prefix and suffix are combined it gives us the word "Xeronine" which means, "a dry alkaline compound". Which is the descriptive name he chose for the compound he discovered.

Eventually he found that Xeronine was a very important biochemical in the human body and essential for good health. So essential that the human body has a limited ability to manufacture it from the raw material found in certain fruits. Like many other biochemicals produced in the body, he found that positive thoughts and emotions, along with exposure to art, music, nature and spiritual experiences increased its production. While negative thoughts, emotions and stressful experiences suppressed it's production. He also learned that as the body's level of Xeronine declined with age, stress and a poor diet, the level of health and recovery declined right along with it.



The power of phytochemicals to promote good health and control cancer is so impressive that the University of Illinois has created a whole new department with 63 scientists and professors to specialize in phytochemical research! Let me share with you some of the scientific findings leading to this major change in research.

Senior Science Advisor to the U.S. Public Health Service, Dr. D.L. Davis states, "Phytochemicals can take tumors and defuse them. They can turn off the proliferative process of cancer." At Ohio State University's Cancer Prevention Laboratory, Dr. Mark Morse and colleagues found that phytochemicals in broccoli known as sulforaphane could reduce esophageal tumor incidence by as much as 40% and reduce the multiplication of such cancer cells by 90%. Dr. Paul Taladay working at John Hopkins Medical Institute has found that this same phytochemical protected animals from getting cancer even when exposed to cancer causing chemicals. According to Dr. Joseph Hotchkiss of Cornell University, University, the phytochemicals coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid are able to eliminate many cancer causing substances from the body. An epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, Dr. John Potter, told Newsweek Magazine, "At almost every step along the pathway to cancer, phytochemicals slow up or reverse the process." Most of these phytochemicals studied so far are found in ordinary vegetables and culinary herbs. The problem is the amount in these foods is so low that only if you eat a lot of them for a long time will they give you protection. If you already have cancer, what you need is a plant that has these phytochemicals in large enough amounts to go right to work.


When plant scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture studied the amazing Noni plant they quickly found the secret to its amazing health building power. It is endowed with a greater number and variety of health giving phytochemicals than just about any plant known. Dr. James A. Duke is one of the world's most highly respected scientific authorities on herbs and their phytochemical content. In his authoritative CRC Handbook on Phytochemicals he has listed 23 different phytochemicals found in Noni as well as 5 vitamins and 3 minerals. Research on Noni continues at an ever increasing pace with more of its phytochemicals being uncovered all the time.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Department of Agriculture maintain a list of plants that have no known harmful ingredients and which over the test of time with large numbers of people have proven themselves to be safe for human consumption by the general population. This is known as the GRAS list, and it stands for Generally Recognized As Safe. Based on the fact that after careful scientific analysis no harmful ingredients were found, and the Polynesian people have been using this health building herb without harm for thousands of years, NONI HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED AS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE.

Even though Noni is extremely safe, I would always suggest that the introduction of a new herb into the diet be approached with caution by anyone known to have food sensitivities, allergies, or asthma. I would also caution a woman who is pregnant or nursing to consult her physician before using Noni or any other herb.


Researchers at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine introduced cells containing a strain of lung cancer known as Lewis Lung Carcinoma into a group of mice especially bred to be highly susceptible to this type of cancer. Within 9 to 12 days the mice which were given no Noni were all dead as a result of the growth of the tumor. However, another group of these same mice were given an extract of the Noni fruit on five different occasions. At the end of the 12 days when all the untreated mice were dead, those given the Noni were still alive and doing well! At the end of 24 days, the Noni treated mice were all still going strong, this was a 100% extension of life! Actually, 40% which is 9 out of the 22 mice given the Noni, survived for more than 50 days. This is a life span more than 4 times greater than the longest living mouse not receiving the Noni. This an incredible achievement! Now remember, these were not just any mice, these mice were specifically bred to succumb to this form of cancer. In this regard, they were "genetically doomed" to be cancer victims. Yet in spite of this, a simple Noni extract gave these mice as much as 4 times the life span of their untreated relatives.


I know you are as excited about what you just read as I am, but the best part may be how the Noni made this incredible achievement possible! Most people would just assume something in the Noni had killed the cancer cells. But like all good scientists, the researchers at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine wanted to know exactly how Noni had accomplished its miracle. What they found was quite surprising, and very important. They discovered that there was nothing in their Noni extract that killed the cancer cells. What they discovered was that there was a polysaccharide compound (6-D-glucopyranose pentaacetate) found in the Noni that INCREASED THE ABILITY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO PRODUCE CHEMICALS THAT ENHANCED THE KILLING POWER OF THE WHITE BLOOD CELLS.

Do you realize the great significance of that discovery? You see white blood cells have to kill many things besides cancer cells. They have to defend us against virus, bacteria, yeast, ameba, parasites and all types of invaders. Since this Noni polysaccharide worked by increasing the overall killing power of the white blood cells, this means it will most likely enhance that same killing power against any invader. It indicates Noni is very likely an overall immune enhancing substance that may provide that little extra which gives you the winning edge when some invading organism attacks your body.


Japanese scientists were looking for a substance to fight cancer. They searched through over 500 different extracts from tropical plants looking for something which would inhibit the growth of RAS cancer cells. These are a particular type of fast growing and very malignant cancer cells that are hard to stop. Reporting in the journal Cancer Letters, the scientists stated that the Noni extract was by far the most effective at inhibiting and normalizing RAS transformed cancer cells. RAS is a normal part of the cell structure in every cell. It is a small protein which is part of the RNA of the cell and encodes for the reproduction of the cell. Only when it is activated by a carcinogenic protein within the cell does it trigger the cells to reproduce wildly. If you can turn off this uncontrolled RAS activity, you stop the cancers growth.8, 9. What the Japanese scientists found was that one of the phytochemicals in the Noni extract does exactly that! They found that it was the phytochemical in the Noni extract which goes by the fancy name of Damnacanthal that does this. When they added the Noni extract to RAS activated cancer cells they observed them daily for five days. What they saw was incredible!

They reported that slowly, day by day the cells began to change their morphology (cell structure) back to normal. It is only on the basis of this kind of hard science that doctors can rely upon the ability of a plant extract to produce the return to good health now being seen clinically by people who have been struggling with cancer. No one knows if Noni will produce a return to good health for any specific person, but the research shows there is a scientific basis for believing that it is possible. The above represent only a sample of the research completed on the Morinda citrifolia plant. The results are conclusive in each case in showing the validity of the traditional use of the Noni.


1. Limehouse,DVM, John B., Letter publicly circulated, dated February 6, 1997
2. Hall, M.D., Steven M., Statement publicly circulated, dated January 7, 1997
3. Phytochemicals, 1994, Newsweek Magazine, April 25
4. Duke, PhD, James A., Handbook of Phytochemicals, Published by CRC Publishing, Boca Raton, Fl.
5. Ibid
6. Hirazumi, A, et al, 1994, Proceedings Western Pharmacology Society, 37: 145-146
7. Hirazumi, A., et al, 1996, Proceedings Western Pharmacology Society, 39: 7 - 9
8. Sylvester, Edward, J., 1986, Target Cancer, Charles Scribner's Sons,N.Y., 9. Fackelman, K., 1997, Science News, 151: 274-275
9. Hiramatsu, M, et al, 1993, Cancer Letters, 73: 161-66
10. Lanettia, 1997, Carbohydrate Antigen 19- 9 Lab Report, SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories
11. Consuela, 1997, Carbohydrate Anitgen 19- 9 Lab Results, Private Communication
12. Levland, 0, & Larson, H.O., 1979, Some Chemical Constituants of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni), Planta Medica, 36: 186 -87
13. Koumaglo, K., et al, 1992, Planta Medica, 58: 6
14. Younos, C et al, 1990, Planta Medica, 56: 5
15. Heinicke, Ralph, M., 1985, Bulletin National Tropical Garden, Hawaii

No commercial company makes any medical claims and is not associated with the contents of this document in any way. This document is a compilation of information gathered from the listed and other sources and is provided here for your education only. It is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or be used as a substitution for any medical treatment. Consult your physician with any questions.

Fed Noni or Federation Noni Enzyme

Product Name: FED NONI


100% pure natural Noni fruit enzyme 1250 calories per 50ml of Noni enzyme, 0.025grams of protein, 0.285grams of carbohydrate, 1.725grams of Sodium.

STEP 1: Natural Fermentation
Select well-developed ripe Noni fruits and put into barrels for a process of natural fermentation that lasts 3 months(approx. 90 days).

STEP 2: Eccentric Extraction
After natural fermentation, take out the Noni ferment extracted by the centrifuge, to separate the essence and the dregs.

STEP 3: Impose High Pressure to Kill Bacteria
Then, impose high pressure to sterilize, fulfilling the highquality control process of Noni ferment.

Bottling Activity
Put the produced Noni ferment into dustless and germfree highly clean containers, to be sent for bottling procedure.

STEP 5: Export
Hundreds and thousands of containers are shipped to Noni lovers in different corners all over the world each month, to promote the overall health of human being.

What is Noni?

Ancient peoples of what is now known as French Polynesia , colonized islands throughout the South Pacific . As they made their voyages from island to island in the ocean-going canoes, they brought with them sacred plants from their home islands. These plants contained the basic foods, construction materials and medicines used by the Polynesian colonizers. Perhaps the most important of these plants is known as Morinda citrifolia . Ancient manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, describe many uses for this plant.

This plant is known among the people of the tropics world-wide. In Malaysia, it is known as Mengkudu . In Southeast Asia it is known as Nhau . In the islands of the South Pacific the plant is known as Nonu , in Samoa and Tonga. Nono in Raratonga and Tahiti, and Noni in the Marquesas Islands and Hawaii. Here it has become and integral part of the Polynesian culture. An important source of food, the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree has been used for centuries as a food source.

The Morinda citrifolia plant flourishes in the lush and unspoiled islands of French Polynesia , the best known of these islands is Tahiti . It is considered to be one of the most beautiful plants in the islands. It is a valued addition to a traditional Polynesian garden. The plant reaches heights of 15-20 feet and yields fruit year-round. The blossoms of the tree are a creamy white color. The mature noni fruit is about the size of a potato and resembles a small breadfruit. When ripe the fruit turns yellow and white.

Early Polynesians recognized its pure value and consumed it in times of famine.
The Noni plant is a small evergreen tree that grows along Hawaii’s beaches and in forest areas up to 1,300 feet. It has been used for centuries by the Hawaiians to treat heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other degenerative ailments.

It has recently been brought back to popularity as new and exciting scientific findings have been released. Most recently, a federal grant was given to the University of Hawaii to study Noni as a possible cure for cancer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cancer and DMBA-DNA adduct formation?

DMBA is 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene is a powerful organ-specific laboratory carcinogen.[2] Also known as 7,12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene or DMBA, this substance is widely used in many research laboratories studying cancer.

DMBA serves as a tumor initiator by making necessary mutations. Tumor promotion can be induced with treatments of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in some models of two-stage carcinogenesis.[3] This allows for a greatly accelerated rate of tumor growth, making many cancer studies possible.

FYI, DMBA is a cancer/tumour inducer. DMBA-DNA adducts are the result of the binding of DMBA metabolites to DNA, and these markers are what researchers use as a measure of incidence of cancer.

1st POINT:
What they discovered was that there was a polysaccharide compound (6-D-glucopyranose pentaacetate) found in the Noni that INCREASED THE ABILITY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO PRODUCE CHEMICALS THAT ENHANCED THE KILLING POWER OF THE WHITE BLOOD CELLS.

2nd POINT:
Xeronine is an alkaloid which is important for proper cell function. It is usually supplied to the body as the precursor "pro-xeronine", which is converted to xeronine in the intestines. It is believed to regulate the rigidity and shape (hence the function) of specific proteins, affecting a wide range of physiological reactions, including repair to damaged cells; enhanced host immune system involving macrophages and/or lymphocytes(1); and analgesic affects(2).
Proxeronine travels into the cytoplasm of the body’s cells and accumulates in their Golgi Apparatus (GA). Within the GA, Proxeronine combines with different body biochemicals such as hormones, enzymes, serotonin, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other elements. The combination of Proxeronine and the other biochemicals are in specific and varied combinations depending on how the body’s homeostasis is out of alignment.
The GA acts as an “assembler” combining just the right amounts of Proxeronine with the tight proportions of the different biochemicals. The GA then packages it, addresses it, and mails it to the particular “sick” cell addresses. The blood acts as the highway from the GA to the “sick cells”. Once the specific package arrives, it is opened and all of the inside constituents are released in close proximity to the “sick” cell. Then proxeronine, under the influence of Proxeronase, ( a substance found naturally in the body) is converted to xeronine (an alkaloid), Xeronine combines with the correct mixtures of biochemicals to create the specific adaptogen for that particular “sick” cell.

3rd POINT:

Japanese scientists found was that one of the phytochemicals in the Noni extract does exactly that! They found that it was the phytochemical in the Noni extract which goes by the fancy name of Damnacanthal that does this. When they added the Noni extract to RAS activated cancer cells they observed them daily for five days. What they saw was incredible!

They reported that slowly, day by day the cells began to change their morphology (cell structure) back to normal. It is only on the basis of this kind of hard science that doctors can rely upon the ability of a plant extract to produce the return to good health now being seen clinically by people who have been struggling with cancer. No one knows if Noni will produce a return to good health for any specific person, but the research shows there is a scientific basis for believing that it is possible.

No commercial company makes any medical claims and is not associated with the contents of this document in any way. This document is a compilation of information gathered from the listed and other sources and is provided here for your education only. It is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or be used as a substitution for any medical treatment. Consult your physician with any questions.

Source : Nonimaui.Com

How Xeronine is made in the body

Dr. Ralph Heinicke pioneered the study of the alkaloid Xeronine. Xeronine is produce in the body from the building blocks Proxeronine and Proxeronase. These building blocks are abundant in the juice of the Morinda citrifolia fruit.

Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid that is physiologically active in the picogram range. (Editorial note: a picogram is one trillionth of a gram.) It occurs in practically all healthy cells of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, the amount of free alkaloid is minute, and is well below the limits of normal chemical analytical techniques.

Even though Noni fruits have a negligible amount of free xeronine, they contain appreciable amounts of the precursor of xeronine. This precursor, which I have named "proxeronine", is a strange molecule. The molecular weight is relatively large, namely about 16,000. In contrast to most plant colloids, this colloid contains neither sugars, nor amino acids, nor nucleic acids. Thus most biochemists have overlooked this relatively abundant molecule which occurs in most tissues.

Noni fruits also contain the inactive form of the enzyme that releases xeronine from proxeronine. Unless this pro-enzyme becomes properly activated, however, Noni juice will cause few physiological reactions.

Fortunately, if Noni juice is drunk on an empty stomach, the critical pro-enzyme escapes digestion in the stomach and enters the intestines. Here the chances are high that it may become activated.

Many years of research are still required to demonstrate convincingly how xeronine functions at the molecular level in a cell. In the meantime I can suggest certain hypotheses which can act as a guide in planning experiments. I am basing these hypotheses both on clinical results with bromelain pills as well as on a limited number of laboratory and animal experiments carried out with pure xeronine.

I am proposing that the primary function of xeronine is to regulate the rigidity and shape of specific proteins. Since these proteins have different functions, we have the usual clinical situation where administering one simple drug causes an unbelievably wide range of physiological responses.

I believe that each tissue has cells which contain proteins, which in turn have receptor sites for the absorption of xeronine. Certain of these proteins are the inert forms of enzymes which require absorbed xeronine to become active. Other proteins become potential receptor sites for hormones after they react with xeronine. Thus the action of ginseng, bromelain and Noni in making a person feel well is probably caused by xeronine converting certain brain receptor proteins into active sites for the absorption of the endorphin, the well being hormones. Other proteins form pores through membranes in the intestines, the blood vessels, and other body organs. Absorbing xeronine on these proteins changes the shape of the pores and thus affects the passage of molecules through the membranes. Thus the action of bromelain, Noni, and ginseng in improving digestion may be ascribable to this action. These are just a few of the many exciting actions of this newly discovered alkaloid. Since Noni is a potential source of this alkaloid, Noni juice can be a valuable herbal supplement.

Another critical problem in using Noni juice as a health supplement is timing. If the juice is drunk on a full stomach, it will have very little beneficial action.

The pepsin and acid in the stomach will destroy the enzyme that liberates xeronine. For a seriously sick person, drinking the juice on an empty stomach rarely poses a problem because the patient is too sick to want to eat anything.

However, for the average person who wants to drink Noni juice as a health tonic, timing is critical. I would recommend drinking 100 ml of Noni juice a half-hour before breakfast. At this time the juice will pass rapidly through the stomach and into the intestines, where it may be converted into the active enzyme. At any other time of the day, especially at meal times, the primary effects of drinking Noni juice will be psychological and caloric. Because of the strong flavor, the psychological effect might not necessarily be positive! To obtain the maximum effect of the active ingredient in Noni, I would recommend also that Noni juice not be drunk with coffee, tobacco or alcohol. At times the combination of these materials and Noni can give some unexpected side effects. At other times the combination merely lowers the potentially beneficial effect of xeronine.

Although the islanders recommended both green fruit and ripe fruit, my personal recommendation would be to use only the green fruit. The green fruit has more of the potentially valuable components and less of the undesirable flavor.

In light of the new information on the action of xeronine, what are some of the possible applications of Noni juice? First I should make the caveat that for all of the possible applications which I am listing, one must always add the phrase "some types but not other types."

What is the function of this essential nutrient?

1. It activates dormant enzymes that are found in our small intestines, this is very important, since we eat too many foods that are lacking in sufficient quantities of enzymes. Our bodies need specific enzymes to enjoy efficient digestion, calm nerves and to increase our physical and emotional energy.

2. Xeronine protects and keeps the shape and suppleness of protein molecules so that they may be able to pass through the cell walls and be used to form healthy tissue. Without these nutrients going into the cell, the cell can not perform its job efficiently. Without pro-xeronine to produce xeronine our cells and then our complete body suffers.

3. The enzyme xeronine which the body produces from the pro-xeronine found in the Noni plant, also assists in enlarging the membrane pores of the cells. This enlargement allows for larger chains of peptides (amino acids or proteins) to be admitted into the cell and to feed us better. If these chains are not used they become wast and this precious source of energy is lost by going to fat or being eliminated.

4. Every cell in the body is like a house with doors and windows. When you have to drive a car into a garage you need to open the large door. The same goes on in our body if we have to absorb a larger protein molecule, we need to open a larger pore if we are to use it. Xeronine, which is made from pro-xeronine, assists in the enlarging the pores and allowing better absorption of nutrients.

Who is Dr. Ralph Heinicke?

Dr. Heinicke’s father lost his sight in his early twenties and suffered from a rare joint disease that left him bed-ridden and eventually led to his death at 34. Dr. Heinicke admits that his father’s early death was a great motivator in his future work as a scientist.

After graduating from Cornell University in 1936 with a special interest in plant physiology, Dr. Heinicke joined the army and continued his education in electrical engineering at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. It was here that he met his wife, Ann, whom he married after an eighteen-month courtship.

Shortly after getting married, Ralph was shipped out on assignment and stationed in China, Burma, and India. He took every opportunity he could to interact with people and their cultures. (It was in part this interest in culture that eventually led Ralph to explore the traditional uses of noni.)

Later Ralph went on to receive his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. He lived in Hawaii from 1950 to 1986 doing research for the Dole Pineapple Company, the Pineapple Research Institute, and the University of Hawaii. During this time he was published in several scientific journals for his pioneering research on enzymes found in plants and fruits. This same research led Ralph to search out other food sources that could be used as supplements and that offered real, substantial benefits.

While in Hawaii, Ralph became fascinated with all the stories and traditions surrounding the noni plant. “I feel strongly that as scientists we dismiss the cultural aspect because we assume it is not relevant. Heritage actually contains a lot of very specific information that we must simply learn to interpret. For example, a simple story may hide a recipe for picking and handling fruit during the appropriate season.”

After several meaningful discoveries, Ralph became convinced of noni’s potential to improve health on many different levels. Shortly after, he dedicated his life to the exploration and development of noni.

He has since been dedicated to continuing noni research as a key member of TNI’s advisory board. Dr. Heinicke has spent most of his life studying noni and the nature of its healthful properties. He still makes speaking appearances at key scientific conventions and TNI events.

Dr. Ralph Heinicke, a leading biochemist in the United States, made a critical discovery while studying pineapple enzymes. An alkaloid he later named xeronine was found to be essential to proper cell function in the body and sustained health.

Dr. Heinicke discovered that xeronine is produced in the large intestine from key building blocks that must be present in the correct amounts.

Those building blocks are proxeronine --the precursor to xeronine --and proxeronase, the enzyme catalyst required for chemical reaction.

Once convinced of the importance of xeronine, Dr. Henicke began his search for a reliable, abundant source of its building blocks. This led him to Noni Juice. He found that the Noni fruit is the most abundant and reliable source of proxeronine and proxeronase .


Dr. Ralph Heinicke pioneered the study of the alkaloid Xeronine. Xeronine is produce in the body from the building blocks Proxeronine and Proxeronase. These building blocks are abundant in the juice of the Morinda citrifolia fruit.
Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid that is physiologically active in the picogram range. (Editorial note: a picogram is one trillionth of a gram.) It occurs in practically all healthy cells of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, the amount of free alkaloid is minute, and is well below the limits of normal chemical analytical techniques.